YARRL is first and foremost a team

YARRL S.A.'s greatest asset is its team of specialists with unique experience in a particular field. Therefore, we make every effort to support them in the development of their own competence, provide comfortable working conditions and enable them to achieve their professional ambitions.

Working at YARRL S.A. is a dynamic pace dictated by the rapid development of technology and an equally rapid response to the growing needs of the market.

Join the team

If you are ready to implement projects in one of the most demanding sectors, which is the IT industry, you are open to new knowledge, you want to develop yourself working with experts and specialists in the industry - join our team! We are waiting for competent, active and goal-oriented employees!

Apply by sending your resume along with a cover letter indicating the area in which you would like to develop professionally.


Your recruitment

Apply in response to our ad.
Wait for feedback, in a positive scenario prepare to meet with us.
We will talk about:
  • Your skills
  • education
  • professional experience
  • Your expectations from us
  • Our joint development plans.
It is possible that we will ask you to prepare and send materials to prove your competence.
You will meet with your future supervisor, discuss working conditions.

This will be an opportunity for self-presentation, presentation of prepared materials and getting to know us.

Wait for our decision and proposal for cooperation.
We welcome you to our team! We are happy to have you with us!

Job opportunities

Business and systems analyst

At Yarrl, we focus on projects and teamwork. We work with people who share our values.


Zobacz, jak pracujemy!

Case Study

Case Study
5 min read

Canal+ lider na rynku międzynarodowym branży mediów i rozrywki

Llider na rynku międzynarodowym branży mediów i rozrywki, oferujący pakiety telewizji satelitarnej i kablowej, a także platformę streamingową.
Case Study
5 min read

Tradycja i zaufanie branży niskich prądów - Konferencja

Spotkanie Projektantów Instalacji Niskoprądowych – SPIN, organizowane przez firmę Lockus K2.
Case Study
5 min read

Efektywne wdrożenia rozwiązań cyfrowych

Nasze zespoły pracują dla różnych klientów w różnych modelach współpracy, gdyż wiemy jak wykorzystać zalety bycia elastycznym software house.