Cloud-based customer service center for LPP S.A.

Project carried out for LPP S.A. in 2020.

Cloud-based customer service center for LPP S.A.

When LPP S.A. decided to move from the on-premise Genesys solution to the Genesys Cloud platform based on a subscription model in the public cloud, they partnered with Unima 2000 Systemy Teleinformatyczne S.A. The key objective of the project was to enable the use of multi-channel contact with customers via phone, email, chat and social media platforms, as well as to automate some of the service processes.

Implementation companies

Unima 2000 Systemy Teleinformatyczne S.A. is an IT solutions integrator that has been in business for almost 30 years. It offers customers advanced telecommunications technology and business applications, contact center systems and analytical and predictive solutions.

Silky Coders is a software house that is the technological foundation of the brands belonging to the LPP capital group - one of the most dynamically growing apparel companies in the CEE region. It provides digital solutions for clothing brands such as Reserved, Cropp,House, Mohito and Sinsay and drives the development of their sales, logistics and customer service channels. The solutions designed and implemented by SilkyCoders facilitate the work of nearly 22,000 employees within LPP structures in Poland, Europe, Asia and Africa, as well as the shopping experience of millions of product enthusiasts across almost 40 markets.

LPP S.A. is a Polish family-owned company and one of the most dynamically growing in the clothing industry in the Central and Eastern Europe region. For 30 years it has successfully operated in Poland and abroad, managing 5 fashion brands: Reserved, Cropp, House, Mohito and Sinsay. It has a network of more than 2,000 stores with a total area of more than 1.4 million square meters. The brands' online collection offerings are available in nearly 40 markets. LPP also plays an important role in creating jobs for more than 21,000 people in offices and sales structures in Poland,  European countries, Asia and Africa. The company is listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange as part of the WIG20 index and is a member of the prestigious MSCI Poland index.

Authors quoted in the document, involved in the project

  • Michal Lunkiewicz - Head of Projects and Implementations at Silky Coders
  • Dawid Telepski - Head of Contact Center at LPP
  • Adam Jeszke - Project Manager at LPP
  • Milena Cuper - Business Analyst at LPP
  • Piotr Peć - Operations Analysis Specialist at LPP
  • Natalia  Lubecka - Operations Analysis Specialist at LPP
  • Rafał Pychowski - Sales Director at Unima 2000

Business need description

The dynamic growth of sales in the e-commerce channel, and thus after-sales support, resulting from restrictions on store openings related to lockdowns and the development of the LPP Company, led to a need for implementing a flexible customer service solution. The goal was to independently scale the solution without having to wait for servers or licenses to be installed and configured, depending on the amount of traffic our Contact Center receives. The key objective of the project was to enable multi-channel contact with customers via phone, email, chat and social media platforms, as well as to automate some of the service processes (e.g. a chatbot that quickly resolves standard inquiries).

After analyzing the platforms available on the market, we chose the Genesys Cloud solution based on a subscription model in the public cloud. It allows us to focus on customer service while leaving the development and maintenance of the Contact Center platform to the provider. At the same time, we wanted the company implementing this technology to have an experienced team with high competencies in customer service solutions . One that knows all their aspects. Hence, our decision to cooperate with Unima 2000.

"Before we standardized the technology used, we were facing challenges in handling some channels through external applications outside the main contact center platform. This negatively affected efficiency and prolonged the training process for new consultants. There was also a need to maintain telecommunications infrastructure in each country, which also multiplied the challenges."

Michal Lunkiewicz - Silky Coders, Dawid Telepski - LPP

Description of implementation

The project was divided into stages, taking into account, among other things, the geographic location of the market in question and the consultants serving it, and their numbers. It was also necessary to remodel service processes to some extent so that the client could take full advantage of the potential of the new technology. Genesys Cloud is a very flexible and secure service, and new functionalities made available within the solution are introduced systematically and without affecting the ongoing customer service operations at LPP.

Genesys Cloud at LPP is:

LPP has contact centers locations in 13 countries and provides 84 numbers to its customers. The company employs nearly 22,000 people worldwide, who are united by a strong corporate culture and a common goal of creating the best apparel company in the world.

Working under the lockdown conditions associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, the Unima 2000 team managed the implementation remotely. The new public cloud-based customer service center system provides the flexibility to effectively manage costs, and enables the new digital channels and operational improvements awaited by  both customers and service teams at LPP.


Figures supplementing timeline  Supplementary numerical data for the timeline

Implementation stages:

  • The UK and Croatia - markets where the solution was pilot-launched and handled by Consultants working from a single location in Gdansk.
  • Germany, Romania, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary - located both at LPP headquarters and in local markets.
  • Poland - he country with the largest group of consultants dedicated to customer service.
  • Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, as well as other EU countries - Integration with internal systems based on API prepared by Silky Coders.

Each launch of the Genesys Cloud service in a given country was preceded by proper preparation and configuration of the system, as well as employee training, which was also a test of its operation. This was possible due to the change in hotline numbering - the prepared system could be used to carry out training interaction service without the risk of customer requests reaching it. The entire implementation work was carried out by Unima 2000 efficiently and according to the approved schedule.

Thanks to the implementation by Unima 2000, along with Silky Coders, of the Genesys Cloud solution , all the set business objectives have been achieved.

  • Currently, preparing a workstation for a consultant only requires creating a user account.
  • Configuration of the system is possible by the in-house team on the hotline.
  • All customer service channels have been concentrated in one place.
  • Out-of-system support using other tools has been kept to a minimum by preparing additional applications (microservices) to handle internal requests and a sorter for email distribution.
  • Scalability of the solution independent of hardware component purchases, configuration and deployment.
  • Provided API for integrations with internal systems to automate service processes.
  • By centralizing services with a single global telephone service provider, telecommunications costs have also been significantly reduced.

Success criteria

Thanks to the implementation by Unima 2000, along with Silky Coders, of the Genesys Cloud solution , all the set business objectives have been achieved.

"When migrating to the cloud, flexibility was required to quickly meet changing market expectations. In order to meet our client's requirements, we conducted a comprehensive need analysis, based on which the implementation proceeded according to the approved schedule, fulfilling all the previous assumptions."

Rafał Pychowski Unima 2000 S.A.

The biggest advantage of the Gensys Cloud service is its flexibility, unlimited scalability, and the possibility of functional development without the need for updates or upgrades. Contact center consultants can work from anywhere in the world. or be supported by stationary store employees, for example, during lockdowns.

The project was completed in a much shorter time than other similar projects on the market. This was possible due to a very well-prepared implementation and a  staged launch , which proved effective based on the previous experience LPP and Silky Coders had gained with other projects.