Getin Noble Bank offers quick and accessible help with Comm100 Live Chat

Project carried out for Getin Noble Bank S.A. in 2019.

Getin Noble Bank offers quick and accessible help with Comm100 Live Chat

Getin Noble Bank is one of the ten largest banks in Poland in terms of total assets. It serves individual customers, small and medium-sized enterprises, local governments, housing communities, and large corporations. The bank has a network of nearly 300 own branches and franchised outlets. It regularly tops the most important rankings on the quality of customer service in retail banking.

Partner Profile: Getin Noble Bank
Headquarters: Poland
Web site:
Branch: Banking
Partners: Unima 2000 Systemy Teleinformatyczne S.A. | Comm100
Solution: Comm100 Live Chat results in numbers 500 live chats per month 4.5/5 on CSAT scale 10-second wait time.


Adapting to the current expectations of the customer contacting the bank via digital channels.

To meet today's customer expectations, Getin Noble Bank (GNB) faced the challenge of updating its communication strategy. A large portion of the existing customers used to contact the bank via telephone or by visiting a branch. As Bartlomiej Tarnacki of GNB’s CC Reporting and Development Department noted, “today the vast majority of customers need a faster and more accessible channel to get in touch, without having to call hotlines or meet with an employee at a bank branch.”

Getin Noble Bank has a broad target market, encompassing all age groups and demographics. However, it was very important for the Bank to increase interest and engagement among the younger generation, which prefers contact through digital communication such as chat.

Why Comm100 Live Chat?

It is a lightweight browser-based tool. It includes many essential features, such as the ability to configure teams, roles, routing, etc., as well as access to various statistics. Importantly, most configuration options can be performed online without restarting the server or application. Comm100 can be operated by a person without advanced IT skills, which is important for both employees responsible for direct customer service and team leaders in our Contact Center.

What did the Bank gain by launching the chat channel?

Our main goal was to adapt to customer expectations and enable them to quickly contact the bank. Chat conversations are much less absorbing for our customers than traditional forms of contact. We also wanted to increase the attractiveness of our offer to younger people, who are much more likely to choose this contact channel. This is already evident in our statistics, which confirm that thanks to the launch of the chat we have gained the opportunity for direct dialogue with a completely new group of customers.

Bartlomiej Tarnacki - from the Reporting and CC Development Department at GNB

A solution that runs locally, is secure and complies with current regulations.

The bank is entrusted with the personal data (PII) of every customer, so it must comply with a range of strict financial regulations. Any technology the bank chooses to deploy must meet the highest security and compliance standards so that customer data is safe and their privacy is protected. GNB needed a solution with on-premise deployment capabilities that meets the stringent data protection regulations in the financial industry.


Getin Noble Bank, cooperating with Unima 2000 Systemy Teleinformatyczne S.A., received advice and support on advanced IT solutions, processing systems, ICT technologies, and data analysis. Knowing the bank's expectations, after detailed analysis, Unima 2000 Systemy Teleinformatyczne S.A. recommended the Comm100 Live Chat solution, which has all the functionalities required by GNB. Appreciating the capabilities of the solution and the support received from Unima 2000 Systemy Teleinformatyczne S.A., Getin Noble Bank implemented Comm100 Live Chat.

Faster communication and increased satisfaction among bank customers.

The impact of Comm100 Live Chat was immediately noticeable in the customer service process. By offering live chat, customers gained faster responses, and the time to resolve their issues significantly improved compared to previous phone contacts. This became possible by fast, real-time chat and agent support tools, such as message templates and file sharing capabilities.

Getin Noble Bank uses questionnaires that are available immediately before the chat begins. They allow the bank to gather information about the customer before the conversation begins, which streamlines contact and helps agents provide more personalized service. Surveys ensure that the customer is directly routed to the department that can best solve their problem, rather than being transferred between consultants. After implementing the solution, the waiting time was reduced to just 10 seconds.

Reaching out to a previously unreachable young audience.

Comm100 Live Chat makes it possible to connect with a younger group of customers, something that was difficult to achieve via phone, email or in-branch communication. The accessible and digital nature of the solution has provided GNB with a direct channel of  communication with younger customers, resulting in a noticeable increase in the bank's customer base among the younger demographic.

We wanted to find a way to connect with a younger demographic, and Comm100 Live Chat gave us that opportunity. The channel is very popular with this customer group because it reflects the "Digital First" strategy. Younger customers want to quickly ask a question, get a rapid response, and get back to their current activities.

Bartlomiej Tarnacki from the Department of Reporting
and CC Development at GNB

High security and privacy for bank customers

Comm100 is a leader in its industry. It offers solutions with the highest security standards required by financial organizations such as Getin Noble Bank. This guarantees the protection of customer data.

Comm100 Live Chat is PCI DSS compliant. All data in Comm100 Live Chat is also encrypted via HTTPS protocols using TLS encryption.

The Comm100 Live Chat platform is fully compliant with GDPR requirements.

Main Strengths

High quality service through personalization

Comm100 Live Chat allows us to offer personalized support to our customers. The platform has a chat history feature. Our employees can look back at previous chats to quickly respond to bank customers. In addition, we integrated the Comm100 Live Chat platform with the CRM so that employees have even greater access to information about the customer they are talking to. All of these actions have raised the level of customer service, and  agents themselves have been given the opportunity to interact with customers at a different, higher level.

Bartlomiej Tarnacki from the Reporting and CC Development Department at GNB.

Increasing agents' efficiency

It is very important for us that our employees enjoy their work. We know that the technology they use is essential for this. We are pleased to receive only positive feedback from our agents using the platform. Comm100 Live Chat is an easy-to-use and appreciated tool that our employees use to improve the speed and efficiency of their work. Our managers are very satisfied with the solution, as they can make configurations without advanced IT skills.

Bartlomiej Tarnacki from the Reporting and CC Development Department at GNB.